Things To Be Thankful For

Things To Be Thankful For

It’s Thanksgiving week. Though it had been celebrated by the Pilgrims and others for many years, Abraham Lincoln officially declared it a national holiday, a time to count our blessings, spend time with our family and consider the bounty we have all been given.

President Lincoln understood that gratitude is the greatest shock absorber in life. We are certain to hit some bumps in the road along our way and sometimes those bumps can be daunting, discouraging, or painful. It may sound trite, but mentally filing through all of the good in our lives can tip the scales and allow us to move forward with joy and confidence.

I certainly have a lot to be thankful for. I’ve been given a lot of opportunities in my life. I have had to work hard once those doors opened, but that hard work has been worth it. My life has been better than I could have ever imagined. What opportunities have you been afforded? Make a list and refer back to them often. You’ll find that the good in your life far outweighs the bad, no matter your current circumstances.

Which leads me to another focus of my gratitude. I live in a country where, for the most part, I can be anything that I want to be. Doors are open now that were, for the most part, locked shut when I was a little girl. Things are not perfect, but they are so much better than they used to be. Education and jobs are plentiful. In fact, these days there are more jobs than people to fill them. Wages are rising. Companies need talented people. It’s a great time to start a career or even make a career change. What job have you always dreamed about doing? Why not take a shot at it right now? There’s no time like the present.

I am also grateful for my friends and associates. I am surrounded by good people who care about me as a person and who really know me. I have always tried to be intentional about having the right mentors in my life. I learned early on that not everyone should be my mentor. Choose only people who have your best interest at heart and no other agenda. When you have your personal Board of Directors like that, be proactive about staying in touch with them. Be intentional. Find time to coffee or lunch with them and when you do, be transparent and let them know what advice you need. We are all hardwired to want to help each other. But that’s not possible without information and an honest assessment about where you are. Open up. Seek good advice from people who are there for you. Be thankful for them. If you have found that cherished group of trusted advisors, you are blessed. They will be great guides and will likely save you from making foolish mistakes on your journey. They will revel in your successes.

You, the reader, are also on my gratitude list. I so appreciate this tremendous opportunity to write for you and focus each week on talented men and women. I hope these columns have been encouraging and helpful to you as you rise.

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Contributor

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