The Last Mile Matters

The Last Mile Matters

I’m learning to play the Banjo. I bought a metal music stand to help the process. I bought it on Amazon….with the handy “one-click” ordering system.

When I’m unable to assemble it, I click on “Orders and Returns” expecting an easy return process. I’m deeply disappointed when I discover that Amazon will only accept my return at one location in Austin: Gregory Gym in the heart of the bustling UT campus with a student count of 55,000 students. I’ve taught in the business school….I know first-hand what I’m up against.

Message to Amazon:

In our Digital world, you forgot the “Last Mile” matters. My perception of the entire purchase experience is swayed by that final touch point. My customer return experience was so “Un-Amazon.” You required me to drop-off amidst a busting campus way streets, strict parking protocols, students everywhere. Amazon…you failed me. I will think twice before ordering something significant from you again.



  1. To say the return was inconvenient is an understatement.
  2. The box is heavy.
  3. I’m forced to illegally parked my car with flashers on.
  4. I walk the equivalent of 4 city blocks in the Tx heat to get to Gregory Gym.
  5. The only ray of sunshine are the students manning the Amazon counter. One remarks “You are all set!” If they only knew.

This is a post as part of my blog series about Earning Customer Loyalty in a Digital World.  Along with sharing what I know, I’ll be reaching out to experts for their tips on making the most of digital platforms. Whether you are a solo contributor, small to medium-size business owner or play a role on a Corporate Team (or some combination), I’ll be writing with you in mind. LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Facebook Marketplace, Twitter, etc.—there’s lots to learn!

And, readers, please let me hear from you — Many of you are thought leaders and experts in your own field. Please share your knowledge and call me out when I have something wrong. That way, we can be on this learning journey together!

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