How to Get Great Customer Service
Always be kind to the front line, whether in person or a call center. Often their hands are tied and they are doing their jobs with the tools they have been given. Show them empathy. …
To Achieve Your Goals: Visualize, Actualize, Repeat
Many of us are only scratching the surface of our true potential, and I hope to help deliver that spark for others to unleash it! We can never afford to settle comfortably into cruise control and rest on our laurels. …
Humility: The Jet Fuel For Your Career
Humility is the voice in our head that breaks through our chutzpah and tells us we don’t know everything after all. It helps us seek out the right mentors and it helps us listen carefully when they speak truth to us. …
Three Steps To Elating Your Customers And Winning Their Hearts
People on a mission take others with them. They want you and your organization to succeed and it is their pleasure to do everything in their power to see that it happens. Engaged employees plus great managers equals engaged customers. A simple but not easy formula …
How To Find A Great Mentor
Mentoring is an important part of personal and professional growth. Formal mentoring programs are a great way to ensure all employees get the support they need. …
The Problem With Honesty
Being honest with ourselves about this revelation forces us to choose one path or the other, to get to know ourselves, our strengths, who we really are and how we are wired. Let’s take a look at each one of these stops on the road …
If You Want A Successful Life, You Have To Craft It
I always listen to my gut and passion. I don’t try to live up to perfection, I just want my life to make me happy in every way possible – for me. …
If You Want To Be Successful, Wake Up And Hustle
Regardless of what your version of a great life is, it still requires you to show up, and when it does not turn out how you thought or something goes wrong, and it will, just yell “plot twist” and move to the next scene. …
Blue Collar Workers Are In The Driver’s Seat
There was a time when people who worked in a trade were revered. If you were a carpenter or if you could work with metal or build a house or fix somebody’s plumbing, you were held in high esteem. You were also paid very well. …
What To Consider Before Serving On A Corporate Board, Part Two
In our last installment we wrote about the findings of a KPMG study of what’s happened in California since it was mandated that corporate boards there become more diverse. That study had a great deal of useful and encouraging information. Bottom line: This is a …