As You Succeed, Help Others Rise
Lift as you rise. You are never too early in your career to mentor, inspire and assist others. …
How Skydiving And Leadership Are Alike
If you want truly great results, you have to push yourself. Discomfort is a necessary path to excellence. No shortcuts. …
Don’t Build Your Own Ceiling
In your professional career, you have to say “yes” more often than you say “no.” Every time you say no to an opportunity, you are building your own ceiling. …
Helping Veterans Find Their Next Mission
Diversity is a mindset. It is not about having more representation for the sake of appearing diverse. If we don’t have more diverse voices in our companies, we may not be making the right decisions. …
If You Want To Rise, Pay Close Attention To Your Leadership Brand
Whether you are trying to sell an idea to your colleagues or trying to make your mark in a competitive industry, it is important to be aware of your image and business reputation. …
To Be Successful, Never Take Anything For Granted and Keep Learning
Young, talented and ambitious women need to realize their own potential and be forever unstoppable. Believe that you can conquer the world and not take any No’s. If you believe in it, with passion, perseverance and the complete belief in yourself, you will get there. …
“Get Me In The Room Where It Happens”
Getting invited into the right “rooms” is still the key to success, right? And how do we make that happen today? One word: Generosity. …
Can You Hear Me Now?
Above all, be brave. If you determine that you are in the wrong place, walk away on your terms. You’ll be fine. Chalk it up to a great life lesson and never, ever look back. …
Bring Your Best Self To Work
My first manager at Cisco, Diane Beamer, told me to do whatever I needed to personally to ensure I brought my best self to work. I extend that to everyone who ever works for me. It leads to a happier, more fulfilled team. …
How Your Firm Can Beat The Summer Slump
The American work ethic has made us the greatest country on the planet. That said, if our employees don't take time off from work, stress, poor health and burnout surface and that’s bad for business. …