

Here are lessons for how effective leaders should hold their #customer #sales #loyalty teams accountable:

In The Digital World, Customer Data is King


  1. Agree on what criteria defines “Best Customers.”
  2. Using criteria above, develop listof  “Best Customers.”
  3. What does your customer data tell you…. “What are you getting for your spend.”
  4. Review all “spend” and connect the dots to results.
  5. Slice and dice the customer data to prove what “Best Customers” are buying?
  6. How often do “Best Customers” buy? Test how you can increase frequency.
  7. Stay curious about your “Best Customer.”
  8. If you are lacking answers, hire a reputable analytics firm to help. 
  9. Investigate the stages Best Customers evolve through. For example, did they evolve or jump to Advocates right away. 
  10. What does the data tell you about the customer’s experience.
  11. Do some customers call in with questions more than others? Complain more?
  12. Seek feedback from your sales team and front liners.
  13. Be transparent and share customer data and Best Customer list in real-time.
  14. What new ideas are they suggesting?
  15. Involve them in implementing their best ideas to work. Test it.
  16. Build a process where feedback can be given 24/7
  17. Convene these meetings Quarterly

This is a post as part of my blog series about Earning Customer Loyalty in a Digital World.  Along with sharing what I know, I’ll be reaching out to experts for their tips on making the most of digital platforms. Whether you are a solo contributor, small to medium-size business owner or play a role on a Corporate Team (or some combination), I’ll be writing with you in mind. LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Facebook Marketplace, Twitter, etc.—there’s lots to learn!

And, readers, please let me hear from you — Many of you are thought leaders and experts in your own field. Please share your knowledge and call me out when I have something wrong. That way, we can be on this learning journey together!

Be willing to put yourself on the line.