Bring Your Best Self To Work
My first manager at Cisco, Diane Beamer, told me to do whatever I needed to personally to ensure I brought my best self to work. I extend that to everyone who ever works for me. It leads to a happier, more fulfilled team. …
How Your Firm Can Beat The Summer Slump
The American work ethic has made us the greatest country on the planet. That said, if our employees don't take time off from work, stress, poor health and burnout surface and that’s bad for business. …
To Be Successful, Know What You Don’t Know
It’s OK to know that you don’t have all the answers and to admit it – but it’s not OK to be totally oblivious of the fact. …
How Poppy Northcutt Helped Put A Man On The Moon
Today, on LinkedIn, Northcutt describes herself as "One time rocket scientist, sometime lawyer, full time women's rights activist." …
If You Want To Rise, Work Hard And Do Today
Life can be tiring and challenging, especially as a woman, but don’t let that stop you from being a well-rounded leader. In my opinion, a respected leader is always involved and inspires others to do the same. …
Ross Perot: The Blunt, Audacious Billionaire Was One Of A Kind
Many Boomers may remember Dana Carvey’s impersonations of Mr. Perot on “Saturday Night Live” or his somewhat quirky interviews with Larry King in the 1990’s. But here’s what I know for sure: This man was no quitter. …
Vivian Gussie Paley: A Teacher And Author Who Stressed The Power Of Storytelling
Listen to your heart. Ms. Paley felt stifled by conventional teaching methods. But instead of quitting, she used her deep-seated talents to bring innovation and new techniques into teaching. …
Finding Boards That Would Welcome You
Most important, be flexible and listen to your instincts. It’s been my experience that when you are clear about your intentions, the universe will align to help you. …
Play The Right Notes To Win In Business
Growth is something that I view as a key way to derive meaning in life. Every day we should try to challenge ourselves to get better in some way even if just a little bit. Compounding incremental small change has incredible results and is also …
Board Seat Skills Buckets: What Are Your Strong Suits?
Board doors are opening for many aspirants who would never have been considered before. Stay encouraged. …