Ten Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Next Conference
While online learning is a great way to brush up on our skills and add some vital info and lessons to our repertoire, there are some distinct advantages to being with other people. Going to conferences can be a rich and rewarding (and profitable) endeavor. …
How Academy Sports Delighted Me
How Academy Sports Delighted Me!I was in search of a sturdy bicycle helmet and Academy Sports (off Austin Tx Highway 183) was my first stop. …
Technology Is No Substitute For Client Face Time
In our world of technology, it is easy for folks to feel isolated. Yes, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn can help, but nothing takes the place of personal touch-points. …
How Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer Almost Didn’t Happen
Instead of trying to ignore or change the thing that makes you different: Feature it! …
Beating The Holiday Blues
That’s very interesting, isn’t it? The same holiday season and yet two opposite responses to it-pure joy, and all the enthusiasm of getting a root canal. …
Getting Things Done During The Holidays
I am no workaholic. But the truth is, our clients still need us, bills have to be paid and we still need to help our teams flourish. That means that there is at least some unfinished work to be done during this holiday season and …
The Gift Of Employment
So, tomorrow, when you’re waking up in the morning and you’re maybe hitting the snooze button a couple of times before grabbing a scone and a cup of coffee and heading out the door, take a minute and be thankful that you have a place …
What To Do With Fear
Keep in mind that the only people who don’t experience any fear are people who are never challenging themselves or striving for a role that stretches them, whatever that role may be. …
What To Do When It Is Time To Take A Leap Of Faith
Don’t teeter on the edge of what you are meant to do. Take a leap of faith. Get to know yourself. Dream again. And as you do, be thankful that you live in a country where, once you know what you want to try, you …
Things To Be Thankful For
You, the reader, are also on my gratitude list. I so appreciate this tremendous opportunity to write for you and focus each week on talented men and women. I hope these columns have been encouraging and helpful to you as you rise. …